A programmer writes code (well, duh!), and also knows how to structure the code so that it is modular, robust and efficient.
A programmer is a coder with good habits. Programmers know how to write tests to ensure the correctness of the code, and value these tests because they make life easier when it comes to fixing bugs or making enhancements. Programmers know about version control and use it as an essential tool in their arsenal, which allows them to explore alternative implementations. A programmer will comment and document their code, because they know that it will help others who use their code, and themselves if they want to improve, extend or fix their code in the future.
Software Developer:
A programmer who can do a whole lot more! Software development is more than just programming, and being a programmer doesn’t make you a software developer.
Software is a product and, as for any product, there are myriad activities involved in its making. These range from discussing requirements with potential users, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of available products, producing designs, assessing trade-offs, working with users to identify bugs and the need for improvements, writing user documentation, preparing releases, training users, providing support, and doing fixes and modifications. A software developer does not view their role as solely to write code.
Article Source: Programmer OR Developer ???
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